Professor Chan Eng Soon
Chief Executive Officer, TCOMS
TCOMS is a national R&D centre dedicated to the Marine & Offshore (M&O) and Maritime sectors and the larger ocean economy that taps on the ocean as a resource. Established in October 2016, our mission is to integrate research and industry expertise to co-create innovative concepts of future ocean systems and solutions.
We simulate the physical ocean environment and complex scenarios that ocean platforms, vessels and marine robotics operate in, through the coupling of our next-generation Deepwater Ocean Basin research facility with numerical simulation. TCOMS is supported by the petascale supercomputing capabilities of the National Supercomputing Centre, Singapore (NSCC). Such simulation capabilities allow our researchers to better understand complex marine environments and help companies enhance the design and performance of their solutions.
The industry has been actively transforming over the past five years, embracing emerging technologies, particularly digitalisation, to achieve greater performance for operational efficiencies and productivity in face of volatile global market conditions. In recent years, they have also started applying their engineering know-how in emerging applications beyond offshore oil, into the likes of autonomous vessels, LNG, offshore renewables and other ocean resources. In addition, the impact of rising sea levels due to climate change is expected to drive the demand for resilient, smart and innovative coastal infrastructure that are adaptable to the threats of climate change and yet able to generate high socio-economic value.
TCOMS seeks to co-innovate with our industry partners such future ocean systems and solutions targeted at real-world challenges. To realise this, we bring together a multi-disciplinary team that combines our capabilities in hydrodynamics, fluid-structure interactions and structural mechanics with the complementary strengths of our public R&D partners from the Institutes of Higher Learning and A*STAR Research Institutes.
We welcome you to partner TCOMS to push technology frontiers to establish safer, more reliable and sustainable ocean operations.