TCOMS publishes the HOS UDW2P Converter to facilitate the Potential Flow and CFD coupling numerical simulation

The HOS UDW2P Converter program was contributed by Dr Haihua Xu, Mr Yun Zhi Law and Dr Harrif Santo under the guidance of Prof Allan Magee. This research is supported by ASTAR Science and Engineering Research Council with grant number 172 19 00089 under the Marine & Offshore Strategic Research Programme (M&O SRP). The source code is available at:


Numerical Wave Tank (NWT) JIP is a topic in the Joint Industry Project (JIP) on Reproducible CFD Modelling Practices for Offshore Applications for TechnipFMC with participation of over 20 companies and organisations. The purpose of the NWT JIP is to develop numerical modelling practices to simulate nonlinear wave by coupling potential flow based on nonlinear waves with CFD solver to generate robust, efficient 3-hr irregular nonlinear waves. The NWT JIP focuses on the simulation of 3-hr irregular waves to meeting existing and future offshore platform design practices.

This program, as part of the NWT JIP, converts the High-Order Spectral method (HOS) results to User-Defined Two Dimensional Protocols (UDW2P) file format, which can be input into Mooring Riser Numerical Wave Basin software (MrNWB developed by TechnipFMC) to carry out the potential flow and CFD coupling.



Both HOS-Ocean (High-Order Spectral method for oceanic simulations) and HOS-NWT (Numerical Wave Tank based on High-Order Spectral method) results can be converted by the program, to reconstruct the free surface and the velocity on the surface. These reconstructed values are saved to UDW2P file format for potential flow and CFD coupling purpose.

This complements the tools for CFD work on wave and structures interactions. With the potential flow (HOS) and CFD coupling, the simulation domain can be significantly reduced and hence reduce the simulation cost up to 10x.

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